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Where We Worship

How Do Healthy Hotspots Affect Places Where We Worship?

Faith communities are gathering places where people of faith pray, worship, learn, serve and spend time in community with each other. The practices of our traditions help us understand what it means to be whole and healthy in our minds, bodies and spirits and how to live in ways that promote justice and equity in the world. A faith community that is intentionally applying the commitments of its tradition and teachings to support the health of its members and community is a Healthy HotSpot!

There are many ways that faith communities can help to create a culture of health — not only for their own members, but for the larger community, as well. Does your faith community share meals or offer refreshments? Do you have open space or collect food for the community? Some faith communities have made their facility 100% smoke-free or have required healthy food options to be offered whenever food is served. Some have started walking clubs or exercise groups for their members and neighbors. Still others grow food on their land in order to donate fresh food to the local food pantry, offer building space to community exercise groups, or join with other partners in making community improvements like bike paths, farmers’ markets, or better sidewalks. All of these initiatives can have a positive impact on the health of faith community members and the health of the larger community.


Healthy HotSpots That Support Where We Worship

Healthy House of Worship


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