Deaths from opioid-involved overdose are preventable. There is a medicine that reverses the effects of opioids like heroin, fentanyl, and oxycodone – it’s called naloxone. Naloxone is easy to use and saves lives.
Be prepared. Get naloxone. Save a life.

Deaths caused by opioid-involved overdoses since 2015
By the numbers…
In Cook County as a whole, 6,972 people have died from opioid-involved overdoses since 2015. In the municipalities covered under the Cook County Department of Public Health’s jurisdiction (CCDPH), 2,059 people have died from opioid-involved overdoses since 2015.
Regions affected
Many of the zip codes with the highest opioid-involved overdose mortality rates are located in west and southwest Cook County. Most of the western district ZIP codes with very high mortality rates are adjacent to communities on the west side of Chicago that also have very high mortality rates. The highest mortality rates were observed in ZIP codes that principally contain the following municipalities: Broadview, Forest Park, Harvey, Markham, Maywood, and Worth.