First Responder Resources
Cook County Department of Public Health is able to equip law enforcement officers and first responders with naloxone for use while on duty. CCDPH is also proud to partner with TASC’s Center for Health & Justice to offer fentanyl safety training and deflection services to law enforcement agencies in suburban Cook County. Scroll down to learn more.
Request naloxone
Law enforcement agencies and first responders in suburban Cook County can receive naloxone from CCDPH after completing naloxone training with TASC and then completing an online certification. If you are interested in having your agency complete naloxone and fentanyl safety training with TASC, please contact [email protected] .
If you are an agency that has already completed training from TASC, CCDPH, or another entity, please click below to request naloxone or a re-supply of naloxone.

Learn about deflection
CCDPH is partnering with TASC to offer deflection program action planning and technical assistance, in addition to support from TASC’s trained deflection outreach specialists. Training is available at no cost to law enforcement agencies and other first responders.
Deflection is when police and other first responders get help for people who have overdosed or have substance use disorders, and is an alternative to arrest or the emergency room. Co-responders are the partners who make it happen—law enforcement/first responders, treatment providers, social service providers, and community members—all working together to save lives, avoid arrest, and keep families and children together.
Through TASC’s deflection action planning and implementation program, departments and agencies will receive:
- Training on preventing opioid overdose deaths, including naloxone administration and accessing evidence-based substance use treatment programs
- A supply of naloxone for priority agencies to help prevent overdose
- Technical assistance to support the planning, development, and implementation of deflection co-responder programs for your community

Learn about deflection
CCDPH is partnering with TASC to offer deflection program action planning and technical assistance, in addition to support from TASC’s trained deflection outreach specialists. Training is available at no cost to law enforcement agencies and other first responders.
Deflection is when police and other first responders get help for people who have overdosed or have substance use disorders, and is an alternative to arrest or the emergency room. Co-responders are the partners who make it happen—law enforcement/first responders, treatment providers, social service providers, and community members—all working together to save lives, avoid arrest, and keep families and children together.
Through TASC’s deflection action planning and implementation program, departments and agencies will receive:
- Training on preventing opioid overdose deaths, including naloxone administration and accessing evidence-based substance use treatment programs
- A supply of naloxone for priority agencies to help prevent overdose
- Technical assistance to support the planning, development, and implementation of deflection co-responder programs for your community