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Animal Quarantine

State and local laws require that dogs, cats and other domestic animals that have bitten or exposed a human to their saliva be quarantined for 10 days regardless of their rabies vaccination status. If at any time during the quarantine period, a dog, cat, shows signs of rabies, the animal should be immediately euthanized and tested. To ask questions about quarantine, contact Cook County Animal Control during business hours at 708-974-6140.

Testing Information

If the animal is available for testing please contact Cook County Animal Control for specimen collection and submission. Once the specimen is at the laboratory testing takes no more than 24 hours. Be aware that laboratory is closed during weekends and holidays.

Testing of animals is available at all Illinois Department of Public Health (IDPH) and Illinois Department of Agriculture (IDOA) laboratoroes. IDOA charges a small fee for testing, while testing is free at IDPH. If the animal tests positive for rabies, CCDPH will contact you immediately. If you would like to receive test results, you may contact the IDPH Chicago Laboratory by phone at 312-793-4746. For more information about IDPH animal testing requirements, click here .

Updated January 30, 2019, 10:56 AM