Information To Help Your Family Prepare For An Emergency
As the health department for 125 Chicago suburbs, Cook County Department of Public Health (CCDPH) routinely watches for patterns of disease, plans for distribution of vaccines and antibiotics to community clinics, and provides important information to the media and public. During an emergency such as a disease outbreak, weather-related disaster or intentional attack, we will continue to do these things, but at a much faster pace, using all available local, state and federal resources.
In an emergency, CCDPH and its partners will work together to ensure a coordinated response. Partners include: municipal leaders, first responders (fire, police, paramedics, physicians and hospitals), schools, businesses, community and faith-based organizations, the Cook County Department of Homeland Security and Emergency Management, the Illinois Department of Public Health and the U.S. Centers for Disease Control and Prevention.
Just as we need to be prepared, so do our residents. The information supplied here and printed will help you and your family “Be Aware. Get Prepared. Take Action.” so you are ready when faced with an emergency or disaster.

Medical Reserve Corps
Medical Reserve Corps
Updated January 3, 2025, 4:19 PM