Cook County Building and Zoning requires homeowners and contractors to get CCDPH approval before moving forward with home construction projects involving wells and septic.
Private Sewage Disposal System Reviews for Homeowners and Contractors
Private or on-site sewage disposal systems, commonly called septic systems, are a safe and viable way of disposing sewage for hundreds of homes and businesses that do not have access to sewer services. CCDPH reviews and approves all private sewage disposal systems throughout Cook County; except in incorporated Barrington Hills, Inverness, Palos Park, and South Barrington, which have their own IDPH-approved septic ordinances.
- Completed private sewage disposal application
- Seven sets of plans (to scale) with pertinent system design information shown
- A soil report and any other applicable documents
- Payment via check or money order, made out to: Cook County Department of Public Health
Septage Hauler Permit Reviews for Contractors
All septic tank cleaners and trucks that haul septage within Cook County boundaries must obtain a permit each calendar year from CCDPH for each truck and tanker used. Each business and portable toilet cleaner must be sure to obtain proper licensure and certification with Illinois Department of Public Health to operate.
To request a septage hauler permit review by CCDPH, please submit the following to: Cook County Department of Public Health, Attn: Joe Durczak, 2121 Euclid Ave. Rm. 250, Rolling Meadows, Illinois 60008:
- Completed septage hauler permit application
- Inspection report (if conducted by another county) and any other applicable documents
- Payment via check or money order, made out to: Cook County Department of Public Health
Well and Private Sewage Disposal System Evaluations and Impact Reviews for Homeowners
CCDPH offers additional services for residents selling, remodeling, or improving a home or business. These include evaluations of existing systems and reviewing addition or remodeling plans for impact on the well and septic. If you are selling or buying a home with a well and/or septic system, typically an evaluation is needed. We offer these evaluation services at a service cost. Requests for this service must be made two to three weeks ahead of the time they are needed. The request form can be found on our permits and licensing page below.
Building and Zoning Departments typically require contractors or homeowners of well and/or septic systems to receive Health Department approval prior to their reviewing a home or business’ addition, remodel, or other major property changes. Contact Joe Durczak for more information and requirements for this type of review.
For More Information
For more information about the rules we use to approve septic systems, visit IDPH , the governing body for septic systems, licenses contractors.
For educational information about various private sewage disposal topics for homeowners, visit University of Illinois Extension .
For questions or concerns about septic systems or septage hauling, please contact:
Joe Durczak
Phone 847-818-2841
Fax 847- 818-2879
For more information, click on the corresponding tile below.
Updated January 10, 2025, 1:33 PM