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Nurse Home Visits

CCDPH public health nurses provided nursing students with community nursing experiences in 2016

In 2016, CCDPH partnered with St. Xavier University and University of Illinois at Chicago schools of nursing to provide opportunities for students to observe CCDPH nurses delivering primary prevention to families in their homes. This is important, because where and under what conditions a family lives can determine their health status and influence their ability to obtain health care.

Public health nurses advocate for moms and babies.


When a high risk infant is discharged from a local hospital, CCDPH nurses visit the infant within 14 days, complete assessments and identify additional resources for the family. The nurse interacts with the family to promote the best growth and development possible for their child. The nurse is an extra pair of eyes for the child’s doctor and can identify problems early and make referrals to prevent disease and disability.

In 2017, CCDPH will celebrate five years of providing nursing students with an experience in community nursing; demonstrating there is a viable career in public health and their expertise is needed.

Updated January 24, 2019, 10:11 AM