Anyone who is having sex
can get an STD.
STDs can be passed from one person to another through anal, oral or vaginal sex, or direct skin-to-skin contact. If you’ve ever had anal, oral or vaginal sex, continue reading to learn how to protect yourself and others.
Get Tested. Get Treated.
The only way to know if you or your partner has an STD is to get tested.
Maintain Healthy Relationships
with your partner(s), parent(s) and healthcare provider(s.)

Practice Safer Sex
There are several things you can do to stay safe.
Parental Consent
If you are 12 years old or older you do not need parental consent to be tested or treated for an
STD. However, if you are able to speak with your parent(s) or a trusted adult, that is recommended.
Videos and Podcasts
Facebook LIVE on Amor 106.7 Entre Café y Café con Vicky and CCDPH Communicable Disease and Prevention Unit Assistant Director Mabel Frias, MPH, CIC (Video in Spanish with Spanish subtitles)
Don’t guess. Get a test. Protect yourself and others from contracting STDs
Thinking Beyond’s Mwanje speaks with a CCDPH Public Health Educator about STDs, Teens and Young Adults. #Parents start having the #STD conversation with your teen by listening to this podcast together.
CCDPH Public Health Educator answers STD questions on Thinking Beyond with Host Mwanje
Communication Materials
Posters and Palm Cards

Social Media Videos
It was just oral
What happens in Miami
It’s not that serious
A long time ago
I’m not out here like that
Updated January 23, 2025, 4:44 PM