A third case (presumptive positive) was announced on Feb. 29, 2020, by IDPH and CCDPH.CDC protocols have been implemented. We are awaiting confirmation of the positive test results from the CDC lab. The patient is a man in his 70s and hospitalized in isolation. Read...

Second Illinois 2019 Novel Coronavirus Case Identified
On Jan. 30, The second CDC-confirmed case was announced in the husband of the first case jointly by Chicago, Cook County and Illinois departments of public health. He was also the first case of human-to-human transmission in the U.S. Read the press release in English,...
City of Chicago Announces First Local Patient with Travel-Related Case of 2019-Novel Coronavirus
On Jan. 24, the first CDC-confirmed case was announced in a Chicago area resident with a history of travel to Wuhan, China. Read the press release, City of Chicago Announces First Local Patient with Travel-Related Case of 2019-Novel Coronavirus...read here.